DR. SAMURA MATTHEW WILSON KAMARA massively endorsed by fifty eight (58) MPs in Parliament


Dr. Samura Kamaras’ endorsement by 58 APC MPs right at conference room #1, parliament building Tower Hill, Freetown; was laudable move as failure to rally around the most fittest and readily prepared Samura Kamara could hurt the party’s ticket in the forthcoming June 24, 2023 pools, senior APC MPs warned, as it looks very optimistic about returning the only results oriented APC party, through the indomitable and battle tested Dr. Samura, in governance.

The 2023 Election:

For Presidential hopeful Samura Kamara, the challenge ahead is daunting. Over anxious Sierra Leone voting population will turn out to demand change because, for too many, their livelihood prospects are grim. A crushing debt burden and rising inflation mean that securing a bailout from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) will be challenging as investors confidence keeps getting beneath the gutters. The kind of changes needed in Sierra Leone cannot be effected quickly or painlessly without defined leadership as in the person of Dr. Samura, and the population is impatient for relief. Nor is it a certainty that the incumbent Julius Maada Bio will reverse Sierra Leone’s democratic decline. Having served in the capacity of President for almost five years does not inoculate the SLPP government from autocratic tendencies when they finally attain power. But alongside the possibility of disappointment is the possibility of progress with the style of quality in that of Our awaiting President Samura Kamara, and of setting a powerful example in a country where democracy has been on the ropes.

Sierra Leone today is not Sierra Leone at her finest and we must never settle for less than the people of our beloved nation deserve. SLPP/PAOPA underestimate the people of Sierra Leone. Everyone has seen an ineffective government that works for themselves other than the people; not even in our dreams are we preparing to return to the bad ugly old days of Bio’s tyrannical leadership. We must all do everything we can to make sure that doesn’t happen

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