Sierra Leone First Lady who was languishing in a dilapidated council apartment in the UK has gradually catapulted to the epitome of uncouth and NARCISSISTIC behaviour in homeland

First Lady is the epitome of narcissistic behavior with an extreme need for recognition. This is a woman whose greed and insatiable need for public attention has not only put the lives of other Sierra Leoneans at stake(the terrible accident with school children in Bo, where she had one of her concerts) but she has succesively rendered the hard work of other Sierra Leone women in the SLPP establishment useless.

While she was langushing in an apartement in the UK, most women of calibre within the SLPP establishment were fighting hard to upkeep, and sustain a political party in shambles.

But what is stricking is the hopelessness and dispair that has gripped the entire SLPP Women’s Movement and false elitist junk within the rank and file of the party.


Her latest childish display at the just concluded session, which further exposes the boundary of the leadership of the government and party was a remarkable scene, which in a typical political setting should not be displayed.

But it is all good. Because once the people of Sierra Leone give her and the SLPP rouges the ‘Vacation’ card, all you party misled loyalists and cowards who lack the courage to stand up for the values of courage, patriotism, togetherness and national unity will see yourselves floating in Sierra Leone with meaningless attachment.

Your days are all numbered. The people of Sierra Leone will take over control of their nation. Get ready!

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